Monday, September 3, 2018

Fight the Idea, Not the Individual

"Old buddy, that's politics-after 6 o'clock we can be friends; but before 6 it's politics." 
-House Speaker Tip O'Neill (D) to President Ronald Reagan (R)

John McCain's passing this week reminds us once again that political rivalries are less serious in Washington than between two random, politically-opposed people on Facebook.

Hours after McCain's passing, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer proposed renaming the Senate Office Building in McCain's honor, a Republican. In our politically charged environment it seems impossible that political opponents could also be friends. 

Clearly not every person across the aisle has a bestie, but there are more than you might realize. We've been reminded of numerous odd political friendships during the memorial this week:

  • George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton
  • John Boehner and Barack Obama
  • Michelle Obama and George W. Bush
While they disagree on fundamental issues, it doesn't prevent their ability to be civil and even friendly! As Christians, we must be models of both standards and civility.  

"Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable..." 1 Peter 2:12

We must learn how to disagree without disregarding someone. Clearly I want to see politicians who will stand up for their principles, but the mission is to fight conflicting ideas, not individuals. 

Let's speak our mind. 
Let's disagree respectfully.
Let's represent Jesus and truth well as we seek to love those we disagree with the most. 

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