Monday, July 25, 2016

How did you make it to 90?

Why do elderly people give up the secrets to long life for free?

I recently heard an interview with legendary TV producer Norman Lear who created such shows as "Sanford and Son" and "The Jeffersons". Lear was about to celebrate his 93rd birthday and the host asked him for the secret to living into his 90's. 

Lear's response was two words:

Lear said he's had many more failures in life than successes, and those who focus on their failures are rarely ready for what's next. So Norman said he learned early that if something was over, to move on to what was next. 

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13

Paul assured the believers at Philippi that he was not perfect. Instead, whether good or bad, he always left the past behind him. In doing so, he was certain to never dwell on his defeats or his successes for too long.

We need to become more forgetful. Otherwise, we overly praise our past success, or needlessly hammer ourselves over sinful failures. And as we declare the past to be over, we can truly focus on what God has for us next.

What needs to be OVER for you? Are you living in past success or failure that makes it difficult for you to move on? Speak openly with God about your difficulties in getting over your past. 

What needs to be NEXT for you? Don't just wonder, but pray and ask God. He has plans for us, but it's our responsibility to pursue those plans for His glory and our blessing!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Encourage Someone! No, I Meant Now!

Sitting in on another church's bible study recently, I was really challenged and impressed with the youth minister who led the time with his students.

Afterwards, I simply told him how much I appreciated his teaching and how much I was blessed by it. He thanked me, but didn't say much more.

The next day, this youth minister pulled me aside to thank me again. When I told him it wasn't necessary, this long-time youth minister said, "I've never been complimented by a pastor."

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24

There is no place for competition among Christians. In my early days in ministry, I couldn't have enjoyed his teaching. I would have tried to think about whether he was better than me or how I would do it better.

Encouragement is like can never have enough! Look for ways to encourage your kids, spouse, friends, and ministers. You have no idea how much it may mean to somebody. Oh, and do it now! Send a text, FB message, on the phone, or even face to face. I'm constantly reminded how a few seconds can really brighten someone's day. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Why I Don't Preach America

A patriotic service was the beginning of my undoing.

My first pastorate was in a small community and I arrived soon after graduating seminary in May. Pretty quickly I was told about the joint worship service in the park that was attended by all the churches. A different pastor each year would preach the service.

My problem wasn't JUST that the pastor for that year didn't believe in the virgin birth or inerrancy of scripture, but that there was no intention to share the gospel. So I cancelled our church's involvement. And I was gone by February. 
(Warning: this is satire. Just chill)

Paul encouraged young Timothy to "preach the Word." And despite what some may think, America is not found in the Bible. Let's celebrate our nation, but let's ensure that we never supplant the worship of God for the worship of our country.

I love living in America, and I believe that God has shown great favor towards our nation in its founding and since. My hope is for a safe and stable America until Jesus returns. But America is not the hope for the world...Jesus is.