Monday, October 24, 2016

Marital Ceasefires

Did you know North and South Korea are at war? 

When the Korean Conflict ended in 1953, nothing was technically resolved. Instead of a peace treaty, an armistice was signed. US Lt. General William Harrison called the armistice a ceasefire "until a final peaceful settlement is achieved.

That was 63 years ago, and they're still waiting...

Sometimes married couples choose the same route. Perhaps we're embarrassed to talk about the real issues, and so we hope the passage of time or neglect of the problems will allow them to fade away. If you've tried this route, how's it been working out for ya?

Like the Koreas, Germany and France have a bad history and shared border, but have avoided the tense relationship. In fact, France and Germany are perhaps two of the strongest allies in Europe. The passage of time wasn't enough to accomplish this, but the work of a peace treaty. These two nations understood that to move forward, intentional effort by both parties, would be necessary to repair the rift. They had to make peace.

So which have you been choosing in your marriage? Ceasefires created by simply leaving the house or shutting down in front of the TV? Or are you taking the time to truly make peace? A word of warning: this is the healthiest and hardest response. It forces you to acknowledge mistakes, and consider how to avoid them in the future. But when you choose to make peace, you build a foundation that allows future conflict to be more easily resolved. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dear Evolutionist...What did you expect?

Leonardo DiCaprio is worried.

He's worried that the vaquitas, earth's smallest dolphins, are on the verge of extinction. And Leo says we have to stop it. (Give a guy one Oscar...)

I learned in high school that evolution drives everything and has for millions of years. "Survival of the fittest" is the name of the game. So if the vaquitas can't hang with life on earth in 2016, isn't that the fault of evolution?

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good..."
Genesis 1:31

The reality is that God created a world in with the vaquitas never needed to die. But the sin of mankind brought death into the world. The science of our planet changed, and with that change came the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which can be most simply stated as:

All systems move from order to disorder.

You knew this already. That brand new car isn't nearly as great 6 months later. Or if you're like me, those 38 year-old knees aren't quite like they were in high school. Order to disorder. That's the reality. That's what WE brought into God's creation. The creation model, subjected to the curse of man's sin, would completely anticipate the extinction of a species. It's a scientific* inevitability

*Note: Christians are allowed to use the word "science" or any derivative thereof. 

For those who have no hope beyond this life, there's always some eminent threat to life on earth. Acid rain, the oceans drying up, and now climate change are all products of the fear that comes from an earth-centered existence. God has absolutely called us to be good stewards of this planet, for our benefit and enjoyment, but species are going to disappear regardless of our efforts. It's the curse of sin, and it will never change until God brings the new heaven and the new earth.

I'm not making fun of DiCaprio. In fact, I'm praying for him, and others like him, as a result of writing this blog. I'm praying that he sees there is an intelligent design to our planet. I'm praying that human life will become more important to him than animal life. And I'm praying he understands his need for Jesus for the salvation of his soul.

I respect those who want to save the earth, but I desperately want them to understand that only Jesus can do that. The cross of Christ is the only hope for our planet and our souls.