Sunday, July 10, 2016

Why I Don't Preach America

A patriotic service was the beginning of my undoing.

My first pastorate was in a small community and I arrived soon after graduating seminary in May. Pretty quickly I was told about the joint worship service in the park that was attended by all the churches. A different pastor each year would preach the service.

My problem wasn't JUST that the pastor for that year didn't believe in the virgin birth or inerrancy of scripture, but that there was no intention to share the gospel. So I cancelled our church's involvement. And I was gone by February. 
(Warning: this is satire. Just chill)

Paul encouraged young Timothy to "preach the Word." And despite what some may think, America is not found in the Bible. Let's celebrate our nation, but let's ensure that we never supplant the worship of God for the worship of our country.

I love living in America, and I believe that God has shown great favor towards our nation in its founding and since. My hope is for a safe and stable America until Jesus returns. But America is not the hope for the world...Jesus is. 

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