Monday, August 27, 2018

If God Knows the Number of My Days, Why Run?

Does God know when you will die? 

The simple answer is yes. Psalm 139:16 says,
"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

So if God could literally display a calendar for all the days of my life, then why should I take the time to run for my health?

This question is one of perspective. 

God KNOWS when I'm going to die.
I have NO IDEA when I'm going to die. 

Yet I know certain choices can accelerate the process: 
-Drug or alcohol abuse
-Lying in the middle of I-90 in downtown Chicago around 5pm.

God's omniscience means He knows all the choices I'm going to make, including the choice to take better care of myself. I have good reasons to run. 

I run to honor God with my body. (1 Cor 6:19-20)
I run to stay ready to serve God and others (1 Tim 4:8)
I run to encourage others (Hebrews 10:24)

God once told King Hezekiah he would die soon and to set his household in order. But Hezekiah refused to merely accept this fate. He cried out in tearful prayer for God to grant him more days. God responds in 2 Kings 20:5-6, "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you...and add 15 years to your life." God then revealed a treatment through the prophet Isaiah that healed Hezekiah's sickness and displayed that God is not anti-medicine. 

Did God know Hezekiah would pray? Yes
Did God know Hezekiah's prayer would grant him 15 more years. Yes
Did Hezekiah know any of this? Nope

Therein lies the point. Just because God knows the number of my days, doesn't mean I fail to take responsibility for my life. Certainly, not every runner is granted a long life. But if living healthy could potentially extend my time with my family, make me more useful to serve God, and prove 13.1 miles isn't an impossible goal, why not give it a shot? 

Head back over next week as the late Senator John McCain teaches us how not to be a jerk...

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