Monday, November 16, 2015

Why My Profile Picture Doesn't Support Paris

I support child abuse.

That's what one of my facebook friends told me. A few years ago, I noticed several people changing their profile pictures into cartoon characters. When I asked someone why, they indicated it was to show support against child abuse. When I said "no thanks", I was berated.

Clearly, no reasonable person supports child abuse. But, how does changing my profile picture help? If I wanted to fight child abuse, perhaps I would volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Or I could become a foster parent. Or I could do a thousand other things more effective than changing my profile picture.

Which brings me to the subject of the attacks in Paris.

Do I have a problem with changing your profile picture? Absolutely not. But how many people have prayed for Paris? How many have prayed for the boldness of Christians who have an important opportunity to share the message of hope and salvation with the hurting? How many continue to lift up the families still dealing with the loss of their loved ones? As many turn their attention towards which politicians to blame, I remind myself to keep praying. 

"...don't be a hearer who forgets, but a doer who acts..." James 1:25

Changing my profile picture is easy. Changing my actions and changing my prayers demonstrates my resolve. So if you changed your profile picture in support of Parisians, I applaud your awareness of a French situation that affects all of us globally.

Now I ask, what more could you and I do?

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