I hung with American Idol for 8 years.
The first few years, I just enjoyed watching the trainwreck auditions, but eventually Nikki and I began cheering on Carrie Underwood, and finally Kris Allen in season 8. Each week we watched the performances and then...the results!
The results are set at the beginning of these talent shows, but a good host knows how to really drag it out. Or in a live voting event, you can always just make up some results and have a lot more fun! (see: Harvey, Steve)
I'm thankful that heavenly results are never in doubt:
"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."Revelation 20:15
When we arrive in Heaven, it's time for the results. For the believer in Jesus Christ, this is not a moment of fear or worry. Our names have been written into the book of life from the time we gave ourselves to Jesus Christ.
Why does God write our names in a book? Does God need a reminder of who has chosen salvation? Not at all, but God has put down a physical proof of our salvation. It's inarguable. Either we repented of sin and trusted in Jesus or we didn't. And we can see it right there in black and white.
Do you fear eternity? If you belong to Jesus, there is nothing to fear. He said, "Peace I leave with you...do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." If you're in Jesus, you win! If you're not, give yourself to Him today! Click here to learn more about how to have a secure eternity through Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Exercise of Blogging
Thanks for sticking with me. I always swore that if I started blogging again, I wouldn't be "that guy" who blogs hard for three weeks and then takes off for three.
I've become that guy. My bad.
American's waste BILLIONS in unused gym memberships. I understand the value of exercise and do my best to maintain good physical health. But blogging is my chance at better mental exercise. It's a challenge, but if it's important, I'll make the time.
Pastoring is a busier occupation than people might imagine. There is a to-do list that guides my week, but rarely does that list remain unchanged. Blogging keeps getting knocked down the list.
I have a subject that's on my mind for next week, and I could have pounded it out, but it's not just about writing. It's about writing something valuable if you're going to take the time to read it.
Have an idea or question you'd like me to write about? Leave a comment. And you can follow me on Periscope (@HeathTibbetts) where I answer questions and try to take on a different question from day to day.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Why My Profile Picture Doesn't Support Paris
I support child abuse.
That's what one of my facebook friends told me. A few years ago, I noticed several people changing their profile pictures into cartoon characters. When I asked someone why, they indicated it was to show support against child abuse. When I said "no thanks", I was berated.
Clearly, no reasonable person supports child abuse. But, how does changing my profile picture help? If I wanted to fight child abuse, perhaps I would volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Or I could become a foster parent. Or I could do a thousand other things more effective than changing my profile picture.
Which brings me to the subject of the attacks in Paris.
Do I have a problem with changing your profile picture? Absolutely not. But how many people have prayed for Paris? How many have prayed for the boldness of Christians who have an important opportunity to share the message of hope and salvation with the hurting? How many continue to lift up the families still dealing with the loss of their loved ones? As many turn their attention towards which politicians to blame, I remind myself to keep praying.
"...don't be a hearer who forgets, but a doer who acts..." James 1:25
Changing my profile picture is easy. Changing my actions and changing my prayers demonstrates my resolve. So if you changed your profile picture in support of Parisians, I applaud your awareness of a French situation that affects all of us globally.
Now I ask, what more could you and I do?
Monday, November 9, 2015
God Has No Mute Button
Don't pretend you haven't done it.
Everyone has pointed their TV remote at a talkative sibling or child, only to be disappointed when the mute button has no effect.
And while we may wish we could mute people, God's immutability is a great big blessing we need to understand as believers.
"I the Lord do not change..." Malachi 3:6
God's immutability is not a speech issue, but a character issue.
These are attributes of God and they cannot be "muted".
You and I on the other hand, are highly mutable. We can be silenced when we should be bold. We can be unforgiving when we should show compassion. Our great sin in these moments is failing to display the character of God in our lives.
Peter said we are to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Part of God's holiness comes from the fact that He never raises the bar after we have already made the leap. God's standards are sure because they are established by his unchanging character.
So praise God for His unchangeable nature! Though He would be completely justified to remove my salvation and remand me to Hell, He will keep His promise to every believer simply because that's who He is.
Everyone has pointed their TV remote at a talkative sibling or child, only to be disappointed when the mute button has no effect.
And while we may wish we could mute people, God's immutability is a great big blessing we need to understand as believers.
"I the Lord do not change..." Malachi 3:6
God's immutability is not a speech issue, but a character issue.
- God is loving.
- God is just.
- God is good.
These are attributes of God and they cannot be "muted".
You and I on the other hand, are highly mutable. We can be silenced when we should be bold. We can be unforgiving when we should show compassion. Our great sin in these moments is failing to display the character of God in our lives.
Peter said we are to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Part of God's holiness comes from the fact that He never raises the bar after we have already made the leap. God's standards are sure because they are established by his unchanging character.
So praise God for His unchangeable nature! Though He would be completely justified to remove my salvation and remand me to Hell, He will keep His promise to every believer simply because that's who He is.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Does God Change His Mind?
Just pick chocolate and move on!
I've never understood the problem people face in picking out an ice cream flavor. The approved flavors are:
I've never understood the problem people face in picking out an ice cream flavor. The approved flavors are:
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Chunk
- Triple Stripe Chocolate Fudge
But my youngest daughter often insists on being overwhelmed by the flavors at the ice cream shop. I guess she enjoys variety. I enjoy not being disappointed by picking a non-chocolate option. (I'm looking at you Pina Colada!!!!)
But what about God? Does He ever struggle over a decision? Does He ever suddenly change His mind?
Here is my "go-to" passage on this subject.
And the Lord said to Moses, "How long will this people despise me?...I will strike them with the pestilence and disinherit them, and I will make of you a nation greater and mightier than they." Numbers 14:11-12
The people of Israel chose to disobey God numerous times. In this passage, God pledges to kill Israel and start over with Moses. But Moses shows great concern for the name of God, and for the people. He asks God to forgive Israel, and God declares that Israel will be spared.
So did God change His mind? Well certainly God was willing to take this action, but He knew it wouldn't be necessary. Up until this point, Moses always looked at Israel as "God's people". Now that their existence is threatened, Moses finally throws his lot in with the people. Moses finally stopped seeing himself as separate from the people he was leading.
God has no need to change His mind. His purpose is to change ours. God exists outside of time, seeing past, present, and future all at once. A God who knows all, has no need to change His mind. But for His children who know considerably less, we are constantly in need of course correction.
Monday, October 26, 2015
God is your Flavor Flav!
Rap is an art form.
Don't believe me? Just watch this video of Lecrae freestyling.
But even the best rappers realize that lyrics and rhythms aren't enough. As the artist Lateef said:
"You're gonna have to have somebody say something somewhere to give you a breath!"
That someone is the hype man. And that's where Flavor Flav comes in.
(Not recommended for worship leading)
Flavor Flav wasn't the first hype man, but he is widely known as the best. Flav's main role was simple: hype the main rapper so he doesn't have to hype himself.
"And I WILL make of you a great nation, and I WILL bless you and make your name great...I WILL bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I WILL curse." Genesis 12:2-3
God made clear to Abraham, anything good in his life came by the work of God. The longer I serve in ministry, the more I realize that my prayerfulness is always more valuable than my preparation.
Are you doing a killer job in your service to the Lord? Then let God hype you. If you're just seeking praise from people, the Bible says you'd better be satisfied with that (Matthew 6:1).
So today, how about you and I do great acts for God regardless of whether we get credit or not.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Conversations instead of Confrontations
"...and [Israel] assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron." Numbers 20:2
When Israel rejected the promised land, they found themselves wandering in the desert. And of course, if you wander in the desert, you're going to run out of water.
Now Moses and Aaron were in the exact same situation as the people of Israel, but the people came up "against" their leaders. Obviously a conversation needed to happen, but these people were willing to make it a confrontation instead.
As Christians, we should speak up. God isn't calling us to be doormats or to remain silent on issues. But God isn't warning us to avoid "ignorant arguments" according to 2 Timothy 2:23. Arguments only breed arguments.
So as a Christian, remember that your call isn't to win the argument. It's to end the argument. Only then, can helpful and healthy conversations take place.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Why Is God So Mean?
How can you love a God who kills people?
On its face, it's an unsettling question. But as we finish our walk through the account of Noah's Ark, you can clearly see a God of patience and love.
How Much Time Do You Need?
Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever...his days shall be 120 years." Genesis 6:3
Do you realize how long it took for Noah to build the Ark? God certainly could have built the Ark for Noah, but there was a purpose in the delay.
2 Peter 2:5 tells us that Noah was a "preacher of righteousness". Noah didn't just take time to build the Ark, but to explain the sin that made it necessary. God didn't waylay an unsuspecting populace.
God gave Noah the message.
Noah shared the message.
The people of the earth rejected the message.
Why You Gotta Get So Mad?
"God is a righteous judge..." Psalm 7:11
Simple question for you: "What is sin?" Simply put, sin is anytime we do the opposite of what God has commanded us to do. God is righteous in everything He does, and that includes judging sin.
Sin is destructive, and a loving God doesn't allow destructive behavior to go unchecked in those He loves. The sad reality is that an unchecked humanity was only going to get worse (see ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF).
So remember:
God desires for all to join Him in Heaven (2 Peter 3:9)
God doesn't force anyone to love him (Matthew 3:2)
God will always judge sin. (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
On its face, it's an unsettling question. But as we finish our walk through the account of Noah's Ark, you can clearly see a God of patience and love.
How Much Time Do You Need?
Then the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever...his days shall be 120 years." Genesis 6:3
Do you realize how long it took for Noah to build the Ark? God certainly could have built the Ark for Noah, but there was a purpose in the delay.
2 Peter 2:5 tells us that Noah was a "preacher of righteousness". Noah didn't just take time to build the Ark, but to explain the sin that made it necessary. God didn't waylay an unsuspecting populace.
God gave Noah the message.
Noah shared the message.
The people of the earth rejected the message.
Why You Gotta Get So Mad?
"God is a righteous judge..." Psalm 7:11
Simple question for you: "What is sin?" Simply put, sin is anytime we do the opposite of what God has commanded us to do. God is righteous in everything He does, and that includes judging sin.
Sin is destructive, and a loving God doesn't allow destructive behavior to go unchecked in those He loves. The sad reality is that an unchecked humanity was only going to get worse (see ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF).
So remember:
God desires for all to join Him in Heaven (2 Peter 3:9)
God doesn't force anyone to love him (Matthew 3:2)
God will always judge sin. (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Monday, October 5, 2015
Evil Angel Babies for $500 Alex
Catch up on last week's blog: Why did God allow children to die in the flood?
Our Q&A of Noah's Ark continues this week with:
2. Did angel babies force the building of the Ark?
Genesis 6:2 says:
"the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose."
The two most common interpretations are that "sons of God" are:
1. Angels
2. Sons of Seth
While I have taken a lot of time to look at the Hebrew, and what Hebrew scholars say on the subject, I think some are sensationalizing what the Bible clearly explains.
The Angels Angle
So did angels come down from Heaven, have sex with human women, and create angel babies? Honestly, just asking the question out loud pretty much verifies the ridiculous nature of the argument.
Jesus makes it clear that angels don't get married (Matt. 22:30, Mark 12:25, Luke 20:34). So for these angels to leave Heaven in order to settle down in a domestic life is completely ridiculous.
Which brings us another Nicolas Cage sighting!!!!!!!
City of Angels movie Premise:
Nic Cage is an angel (his toughest role)
Meg Ryan is a woman (not her toughest role)
The angel finds Meg Ryan more beautiful than living in Heaven and serving God.
The End.
Nic Cage is an angel (his toughest role)
Meg Ryan is a woman (not her toughest role)
The angel finds Meg Ryan more beautiful than living in Heaven and serving God.
The End.
Some argue these "sons of God" were actually "demons" and not angels. But can you find any scripture where demons are called "sons of God"? The bible designates demons as the Devil's angels (Matt. 25:41)
Regardless of whether they're angels or demons, they are spirits and incapable of entering into the type of physical relationship that is enjoyed within the confines of human marriage.
That's not me talking. That's Jesus.
That's not me talking. That's Jesus.
Sons of Seth
Do you remember Ellie's explanation of Occam's Razor from the movie "Contact"?
"All things being equal, the simplest answer usually tends to be the right one."
Let's go with that principle.
Seth was the son of Adam and Eve after Cain murdered Abel. Seth continues the godly attitude of Abel and progresses the family line of Adam in Genesis 5. It does not include Cain's descendants in this genealogy, though Cain was alive and had a family tree of his own. (Gen. 4:15-17)
So the idea is that the sons of God were the descendants of Seth, and the daughter's of man were the descendants of Cain. This intermarriage of godliness and ungodliness produced disastrous results.
God often warns of intermarrying believers and non-believers in the OT (Deut 7:3-4 is one example). The reason isn't because non-Jews were inferior, but because their faithlessness would be a hindrance to living for God. Other than Rahab and Ruth, foreign wives were a huge mistake (see Solomon).
So these compromised marriages led to "the wickedness of man" that led to the flood in Genesis 6:5-7
The Conclusion
Scripture clearly disregards the idea that evil angel babies were the downfall of humanity. Humanity is always the downfall of humanity, and Jesus is always the redeemer of humanity.
Next week we'll discuss why God brought this judgement at all. Doesn't this type of action deny that He truly is a loving God?
"All things being equal, the simplest answer usually tends to be the right one."
Let's go with that principle.
Seth was the son of Adam and Eve after Cain murdered Abel. Seth continues the godly attitude of Abel and progresses the family line of Adam in Genesis 5. It does not include Cain's descendants in this genealogy, though Cain was alive and had a family tree of his own. (Gen. 4:15-17)
So the idea is that the sons of God were the descendants of Seth, and the daughter's of man were the descendants of Cain. This intermarriage of godliness and ungodliness produced disastrous results.
God often warns of intermarrying believers and non-believers in the OT (Deut 7:3-4 is one example). The reason isn't because non-Jews were inferior, but because their faithlessness would be a hindrance to living for God. Other than Rahab and Ruth, foreign wives were a huge mistake (see Solomon).
So these compromised marriages led to "the wickedness of man" that led to the flood in Genesis 6:5-7
The Conclusion
Scripture clearly disregards the idea that evil angel babies were the downfall of humanity. Humanity is always the downfall of humanity, and Jesus is always the redeemer of humanity.
Next week we'll discuss why God brought this judgement at all. Doesn't this type of action deny that He truly is a loving God?
Monday, September 28, 2015
Noah's Ark: Rated PG
How did we settle on Noah's Ark as a children's story?
Probably because it has animals, and golly, all kids like animals.
(That's because their childhood wasn't spent cleaning up after them #farmlife)
Or maybe because it's got pretty rainbows in it.
But I suppose it's because we keep showing pictures like this:
I'm guessing this wouldn't look familiar to Noah at all. We've made it all about the animals. I'd imagine Noah remembers it like this:
Recently an atheist asked me about all the people who drowned as a result of Noah's flood. It truly bothered him that I could worship such a God.
So for the next few weeks, we'll take on some of the less G-rated questions regarding Noah's Ark.
1. Why did God kill children in the flood?
Apart from Noah and his family, everyone died in the flood, including children. We see other painful instances where children were killed in the Old Testament. But do you realize that for the majority of them, this may have been their only access to Heaven?
I firmly believe that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8). At the same time, I believe scripture teaches that God's grace is extended to those who are not fully capable of making this decision.
Wayne Grudem writes on this idea in his Systematic Theology:
"We must...affirm very clearly that this is not the usual way for God to save people."
Here are two major areas of scriptural support for the idea of God's saving grace towards children:
- 2 Samuel 12:22-23 David ceased grieving for his dead, infant son, having confidence that he would see the child again one day in Heaven.
- Numbers 14:28-31 Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years, and when they arrive back to the Promised Land, only those who were 19 and younger (and the Levites) have survived in the desert to enter. So God showed grace to the younger generation.
So I'm not saying children go to Heaven because they're innocent (Psalm 51:5 affirms they are not), or that we should not share the gospel with children.
For the children of Noah's day, this was an amazingly gracious act of God to bring these children to Himself for eternity. It was likely their only chance.
There are some smart folks who wouldn't agree with my take. Again, this is a personal, biblical conviction from my own study of God's Word. I'd love to hear your comments!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Say No to God
"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,
Keep you longer than you want to stay
And cost you more than you want to pay."
-Adrian Rogers
My first cell phone cost $1100.
It was 1998 and other people were getting phones, and I really wanted one bad! Ultimately, it took up an entire pants pocket and cost me $60 a month for 200 minutes.
While today, cell phones are nearly a necessity, I can say that my first phone wasn't worth what it cost me.
And the same can be said for sin. We need to view sin by what we lose, not what we gain.
"For sin shall no longer be your master..." Romans 6:14
When you said "yes" to Jesus, you said "no" to sin. So it stands to reason that EVERY TIME you and I choose sin, we are simply saying no to God. We know the choice He wants us to make, but we ignore His command by our rashness, ignorance, or even our blatant defiance.
I liken it to driving on the interstate. It's a smooth, fast way to get to a bigger destination. But imagine you took off ramps every hour. You could eventually get to your destination, but not without wasting a lot of time and effort.
Whatever sin offers you, obedience offers you more! Next time you find the bait of temptation before you, remember that whatever is offered is a lie (John 8:44). Ask yourself, "Do I want to say no to sin or no to God?"
Keep you longer than you want to stay
And cost you more than you want to pay."
-Adrian Rogers

It was 1998 and other people were getting phones, and I really wanted one bad! Ultimately, it took up an entire pants pocket and cost me $60 a month for 200 minutes.
While today, cell phones are nearly a necessity, I can say that my first phone wasn't worth what it cost me.
And the same can be said for sin. We need to view sin by what we lose, not what we gain.
"For sin shall no longer be your master..." Romans 6:14
When you said "yes" to Jesus, you said "no" to sin. So it stands to reason that EVERY TIME you and I choose sin, we are simply saying no to God. We know the choice He wants us to make, but we ignore His command by our rashness, ignorance, or even our blatant defiance.
I liken it to driving on the interstate. It's a smooth, fast way to get to a bigger destination. But imagine you took off ramps every hour. You could eventually get to your destination, but not without wasting a lot of time and effort.
Whatever sin offers you, obedience offers you more! Next time you find the bait of temptation before you, remember that whatever is offered is a lie (John 8:44). Ask yourself, "Do I want to say no to sin or no to God?"
Monday, September 14, 2015
Stop Having a Quiet Time!
I've been teaching it wrong.
For years I've challenged people to have a quiet time. This isn't a moment to grab a carpet square and your favorite Berenstain Bears book. It's a regular time you spend connecting with God.
So why have I been calling it a quiet time?
The intent was that we would "quiet" our minds to read scripture and pray. But have you ever found your mind doesn't quiet down so well?
What if instead we emphasized a connection time? Certainly there is a place for quiet, but let's not allow our preconceived notions to prevent us from a meaningful, daily time with God.
Here are some suggestions to move from quiet to connection.
"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth." John 4:24
Just as you work to keep your personal relationships fresh through conversation and experience, I challenge you to do the same with God. Allow the truth of Scripture to remain a key part of your connection to God, but allow room for the Holy Spirit to lead you in new ways of connecting with an infinite God.
Have you got other ideas? I'd love to hear them in the comments below.
For years I've challenged people to have a quiet time. This isn't a moment to grab a carpet square and your favorite Berenstain Bears book. It's a regular time you spend connecting with God.
So why have I been calling it a quiet time?
The intent was that we would "quiet" our minds to read scripture and pray. But have you ever found your mind doesn't quiet down so well?
What if instead we emphasized a connection time? Certainly there is a place for quiet, but let's not allow our preconceived notions to prevent us from a meaningful, daily time with God.
Here are some suggestions to move from quiet to connection.
- Prayerwalk: One of my personal favs. Walk through your neighborhood and take time to pray for the families, businesses, and schools that are around you. But be sure to pray with your eyes open...
- Try a Reading Plan: Instead of just reading straight through a book, try reading scriptures on a particular subject or attribute of God. Youversion has some great options for this.
- Add Music: Pray as you listen to music and allow the lyrics to become your prayers. Praise God for His "Amazing Love" or for reminders that you are "no longer a slave to fear."
- New Bible: Try a different Bible translation. I've made the switch over the years from NIV, NKJV, NASB, and now the ESV. A slight change of phrase leads me to take a fresh look at familiar passages.
- Involve others: Contact those you pray for. Text with friends or family and commit to share lessons God is teaching you. Find ways to expand your world beyond you.
"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth." John 4:24
Just as you work to keep your personal relationships fresh through conversation and experience, I challenge you to do the same with God. Allow the truth of Scripture to remain a key part of your connection to God, but allow room for the Holy Spirit to lead you in new ways of connecting with an infinite God.
Have you got other ideas? I'd love to hear them in the comments below.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Narrow Minded Parenting
I don't change my own oil.
I understand how to, and I've even done it before, but I hate all the time and effort it takes. So I look for coupons, and take my car to the professionals.
And that's how too many parents think of the church.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Literally the word "train" means "to narrow". We need to teach our children to avoid the broad, easy, and comfortable path of the world, and to stick to the narrow, challenging, and faith-building path of the gospel.
How do we narrow our kids?
1. Live the example.
Why do so many teens who regularly attended church, fall away from the faith after high school? Because they thought God only lived on Sundays. On Sundays, their parents emphasized God, the gospel, and even discipleship, but too often they failed to allow their home to be an extension of the church.
Are your kids seeing Jesus in your marriage, your words, and your actions?
2. Emphasize truth.
We live in a culture where everything is relative. This is the nature of the broad path where truth for one person doesn't have to be truth for another.
It's an undeniable fact that 1+1=2. (Yes, I did that without a calculator)
Another undeniable fact is our sin nature. To teach our children the gospel is to teach them truth. Don't ever apologize for raising your children in a Christian home, and shunning false religion and false gods.
3. Narrow their world.
Dr. Danny Akin says that if a child is in disobedience, you have to shrink their world. Parents have often complained to me about the places their kids were hanging out in a car paid for by their parents. Take away the car! Take away the cell phone! Suspend them from their activities! Shrink their world down to their bedroom if you must, but you must parent when your child is in disobedience.
It's not fun, but discipline is an important aspect of making your child the adult you dream for them to be.
If you're a parent, you're a professional because no one knows your kid better than you. Like changing your own oil, it's going to take time and effort...but it's totally worth it.
So don't simply talk to your child about God. Train them up by displaying that Jesus doesn't just live at church, but He lives in us!
I understand how to, and I've even done it before, but I hate all the time and effort it takes. So I look for coupons, and take my car to the professionals.
And that's how too many parents think of the church.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Literally the word "train" means "to narrow". We need to teach our children to avoid the broad, easy, and comfortable path of the world, and to stick to the narrow, challenging, and faith-building path of the gospel.
How do we narrow our kids?
1. Live the example.
Why do so many teens who regularly attended church, fall away from the faith after high school? Because they thought God only lived on Sundays. On Sundays, their parents emphasized God, the gospel, and even discipleship, but too often they failed to allow their home to be an extension of the church.
Are your kids seeing Jesus in your marriage, your words, and your actions?
2. Emphasize truth.
We live in a culture where everything is relative. This is the nature of the broad path where truth for one person doesn't have to be truth for another.
It's an undeniable fact that 1+1=2. (Yes, I did that without a calculator)
Another undeniable fact is our sin nature. To teach our children the gospel is to teach them truth. Don't ever apologize for raising your children in a Christian home, and shunning false religion and false gods.
3. Narrow their world.
Dr. Danny Akin says that if a child is in disobedience, you have to shrink their world. Parents have often complained to me about the places their kids were hanging out in a car paid for by their parents. Take away the car! Take away the cell phone! Suspend them from their activities! Shrink their world down to their bedroom if you must, but you must parent when your child is in disobedience.
It's not fun, but discipline is an important aspect of making your child the adult you dream for them to be.
If you're a parent, you're a professional because no one knows your kid better than you. Like changing your own oil, it's going to take time and effort...but it's totally worth it.
So don't simply talk to your child about God. Train them up by displaying that Jesus doesn't just live at church, but He lives in us!
Monday, August 31, 2015
One Question that Will Improve Your Marriage Today
That title is a real hook, right? Other possibilities were:
So how long do I make you read before giving you the answer? Just one more paragraph.
I took a Biblical Counseling class in seminary, where I presumed I would learn how to fix all you people. Instead, our professor spent more time teaching us how to examine our own lives than how to examine the lives of others. This was a vital lesson which leads me to the question that will improve your marriage today:
Now before you just switch back to Facebook, think about the question you normally ask: "What is my spouse not doing for me?" You see, when I do marital counseling, all I hear about are the faults of the spouse. I have never had the following conversation in a marriage counseling session:
Me: "So what's the problem in your marriage?"
Husband/Wife: "The more I think about it, it's me. I'm selfish and I like my own way. So I guess I am."
Me: ...........................................
Do I have any actual proof that this question improves marriages? Well it improved mine.
In seminary I spent so much time studying for ministry and serving my church, that my family and my marriage suffered. I finally realized the problem with my marriage wasn't Nikki, it was Heathie. (No, you may not call me Heathie.) So as I focused more on how I could put Nikki's needs above my own, our relationship vastly improved. And while it's not perfect, it's pretty darn awesome!
A stranger on Periscope recently proved this when he asked me to pray for his marriage. I told him I would and shared the question with him as well. He jumped on a few days later and said it was already improving things.
"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Ephesians 5:33
Who do spouses ask marriage counselor's to fix? Their spouse.
Who does scripture ask us to fix? Us.
("you love"..."she respects")
So seriously, what are you not doing for your spouse?
- This one weird trick will make your marriage skinnier
- If you hate your spouse, don't read this
- Anything with "Ashley Madison" in it
So how long do I make you read before giving you the answer? Just one more paragraph.
I took a Biblical Counseling class in seminary, where I presumed I would learn how to fix all you people. Instead, our professor spent more time teaching us how to examine our own lives than how to examine the lives of others. This was a vital lesson which leads me to the question that will improve your marriage today:
What am I not doing for my spouse?
Me: "So what's the problem in your marriage?"
Husband/Wife: "The more I think about it, it's me. I'm selfish and I like my own way. So I guess I am."
Me: ...........................................
Do I have any actual proof that this question improves marriages? Well it improved mine.
In seminary I spent so much time studying for ministry and serving my church, that my family and my marriage suffered. I finally realized the problem with my marriage wasn't Nikki, it was Heathie. (No, you may not call me Heathie.) So as I focused more on how I could put Nikki's needs above my own, our relationship vastly improved. And while it's not perfect, it's pretty darn awesome!
A stranger on Periscope recently proved this when he asked me to pray for his marriage. I told him I would and shared the question with him as well. He jumped on a few days later and said it was already improving things.
"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Ephesians 5:33
Who do spouses ask marriage counselor's to fix? Their spouse.
Who does scripture ask us to fix? Us.
("you love"..."she respects")
So seriously, what are you not doing for your spouse?
- Listening?
- Serving?
- Dating?
- Sexing?
- Encouraging?
- Loving?
Monday, August 24, 2015
The $18,000 Prayer Answer
I've been waiting 2 years to write this post.
After a difficult ministry experience, God brought our family to an incredible church in Pennsylvania. For five years I served as their Associate Pastor while I healed, learned, and built friendships that have extended beyond timezones.
So when First Baptist of Machesney Park called me to serve as their Pastor, I was ready.
But we had one thing standing in the way of a happy ending...
After a difficult ministry experience, God brought our family to an incredible church in Pennsylvania. For five years I served as their Associate Pastor while I healed, learned, and built friendships that have extended beyond timezones.
So when First Baptist of Machesney Park called me to serve as their Pastor, I was ready.
But we had one thing standing in the way of a happy ending...
I had been praying for over a year that when God provided a Lead Pastor opportunity, He would sell our house. So when the first realtor told us we'd lose money and never sell by our July move date, I found another realtor. Adam also confirmed we'd never break even, but that he could get it sold.
So while I was on a mission trip, my wife endured 11 showings in the course of just a few days. I realized she was getting worn out from constantly leaving the house with our kids. After talking with her by phone, I prayed. "God, thanks for bringing so many prospective buyers. I know the house has only been listed a couple days, but would you just bring someone who will pay the asking price by the time I get home?" And He did.
So the house was sold for what it was worth, but not for what we needed. The difference?
You might think a pastor usually keeps $18,000 lying around for such an emergency, but you'd be wrong. So I prayed and checked around, but there weren't a lot of banks willing to loan $18,000 with no collateral. (I believe the exact number of such institutions was zero.)
Three days before we moved, I got a call from my Grandma. She knew from my mother about the money problem, and she called to loan the money. My grandma has been a hard-working factory worker all her life. I told her it was a lot of money.
She said, "Well Heath, how much do you need?"
"Grandma, I need $18,000."
"OK. So where do you want me to send it?"
And that was that. Grandma sent $18,000 to the bank to cancel my debt. And I committed to pay that $18,000 back to her. But how was I going to do that, and have a place to live in Illinois?
There were many factors that confirmed our call to FBC. Our background in worship and youth have been valuable here. Our kids get to serve and not just be served. And in an age where many churches don't have a parsonage, FBC did. It wasn't the reason we came, but was the final proof that God had handled every detail.
So for the last two years, I've been living in our church parsonage, while paying back my Grandma. And this week, I send the last payment! Without the parsonage, it would have never been possible.
Why didn't I share this before? I feared someone would take pity on us and try to bail us out. God is the only One who deserves glory for my story.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
I praise God that He has never made a plan for my life without every detail considered. And I challenge you to pray and seek God in that tough circumstance and remember...
Just because it's tough, doesn't mean it's not God's will for you.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Did MercyMe Get it Right?
This post changed MY mind.
The new MercyMe song had me totally grooving until they sang...
"The cross has made you flawless."
This line bothered me. Yes, I believe that my sins are covered by what Jesus did on the cross, but I worried that MercyMe had joined the Nicolaitans.
3 Quick Points on the Nicolaitans
1. They were not the Nicolas Cage Fan Club.
2. Why does every Nic Cage movie poster look exactly the same?
And without a sword...

3. Nicolaitans told people, "Accept Jesus' forgiveness, and then live how you want!"
(Jesus warns of these guys in Revelation 2:15)
So my first thought was that MercyMe was indicating a type of "accept Jesus and you're all good" lifestyle.
But I recently remembered the words of my seminary professor, Dr. Cox...
Dr. Cox: "Heath, do you know what I like about you?"
Me: "What doc?"
Dr. Cox: "Absolutely nothing."
BUT THEN, I remember the helpful words of Dr. Cox from seminary
Stop critiquing messages so hard that you miss the heart behind them.
And that's what I had done with "Flawless."
I recently watched their music video and saw the band members express honest issues they, and others, deal with. And each time the person in the video is no longer defined by their issues, but by Christ.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Is flawless the word I would have used? Probably not. But I have no doubt that MercyMe is communicating a gospel where people accept Jesus and embrace their new identity over their old definitions.
So listen not just to a person's words, because they are cheap things that can fall short at times. Listen to the heart.
The new MercyMe song had me totally grooving until they sang...
"The cross has made you flawless."
This line bothered me. Yes, I believe that my sins are covered by what Jesus did on the cross, but I worried that MercyMe had joined the Nicolaitans.
3 Quick Points on the Nicolaitans
1. They were not the Nicolas Cage Fan Club.
2. Why does every Nic Cage movie poster look exactly the same?

3. Nicolaitans told people, "Accept Jesus' forgiveness, and then live how you want!"
(Jesus warns of these guys in Revelation 2:15)
So my first thought was that MercyMe was indicating a type of "accept Jesus and you're all good" lifestyle.
But I recently remembered the words of my seminary professor, Dr. Cox...
Dr. Cox: "Heath, do you know what I like about you?"
Me: "What doc?"
Dr. Cox: "Absolutely nothing."
BUT THEN, I remember the helpful words of Dr. Cox from seminary
Stop critiquing messages so hard that you miss the heart behind them.
And that's what I had done with "Flawless."
I recently watched their music video and saw the band members express honest issues they, and others, deal with. And each time the person in the video is no longer defined by their issues, but by Christ.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Is flawless the word I would have used? Probably not. But I have no doubt that MercyMe is communicating a gospel where people accept Jesus and embrace their new identity over their old definitions.
So listen not just to a person's words, because they are cheap things that can fall short at times. Listen to the heart.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Present or Presence?
"Holy Spirit you are welcome here.
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.
Your glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence Lord."
I could never preach on a video screen.
While I could be present to preach to multiple congregations by video, my presence would be noticeably absent. The moment the projector goes off, I'm gone and so is the chance for my audience to get to know me and connect on a deeper level.
How can you put trust in someone who is only willing to be present?
The people loved Jesus not only for the words He said, but how He said them. He often used everyday objects around him to illustrate a deeper point. He ate, laughed, and prayed with people.
All we needed him to do was go to the cross for us. But God chose to be more than just present.
"I am with you declares the Lord." Haggai 1:13
When the prophet Haggai wrote this, the people of Israel had returned to Jerusalem following their exile, but were slow in rebuilding the temple as instructed. In this simple message, God gives two clear reminders:
1. I am present. There is nowhere you can be that God is not.
2. Welcome my presence. In the song "Holy Spirit", the writer encourages us to invite the presence of the God, which may seem silly since God is everywhere. But there is no doubt that God desires that we welcome His work and His way among us.
So while God is present and all around the life of the Christian, it's important we welcome His presence. In what ways do you need to be more faithful to seek the presence of God in your personal times of devotion?
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.
Your glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence Lord."
I could never preach on a video screen.
While I could be present to preach to multiple congregations by video, my presence would be noticeably absent. The moment the projector goes off, I'm gone and so is the chance for my audience to get to know me and connect on a deeper level.
How can you put trust in someone who is only willing to be present?
The people loved Jesus not only for the words He said, but how He said them. He often used everyday objects around him to illustrate a deeper point. He ate, laughed, and prayed with people.
All we needed him to do was go to the cross for us. But God chose to be more than just present.
"I am with you declares the Lord." Haggai 1:13
When the prophet Haggai wrote this, the people of Israel had returned to Jerusalem following their exile, but were slow in rebuilding the temple as instructed. In this simple message, God gives two clear reminders:
1. I am present. There is nowhere you can be that God is not.
2. Welcome my presence. In the song "Holy Spirit", the writer encourages us to invite the presence of the God, which may seem silly since God is everywhere. But there is no doubt that God desires that we welcome His work and His way among us.
So while God is present and all around the life of the Christian, it's important we welcome His presence. In what ways do you need to be more faithful to seek the presence of God in your personal times of devotion?
Monday, August 3, 2015
The Only Way to Read the Bible
"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." -Theodore Roosevelt
The Devil wrote the NIV.
That's what a church in seminary told me when they inquired about me being their pastor. My refusal to preach from the KJV not only dropped me from consideration, but they sent literature to my house to correct me.
I have no problem with people who want to read the King James Bible, as long as they don't make it a requirement for salvation.
It's so easy to make rules about the right way to read the Bible. But the only right way to read the Bible is seriously.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4
Yes, Bible translation is important so that we have an accurate representation of the original languages. I often recommend the ESV, NKJV, and even the NIV. But remember that these are not the words of men, but the words of God. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
1. Pick a plan. Don't wake up and randomly pick something to read. Have a plan for what you'll read. I'm going through a chronological study right now. You can also use YouVersion which has some great theme plans through their website and app.
2. Pick a verse. After you read each day, pick a verse to think on through your day. Maybe even use it to pray. Today I picked a verse from the story of Joseph in the OT that reminds me to be a promise maker and a promise keeper.
3. Pray. Talk to God about what you read and how it should impact you today.
Last thought: If you read the Bible earlier today, and you can't remember what you read, you need to try again. Allow the words of God to influence your entire day!
The Devil wrote the NIV.
That's what a church in seminary told me when they inquired about me being their pastor. My refusal to preach from the KJV not only dropped me from consideration, but they sent literature to my house to correct me.
I have no problem with people who want to read the King James Bible, as long as they don't make it a requirement for salvation.
It's so easy to make rules about the right way to read the Bible. But the only right way to read the Bible is seriously.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4
Yes, Bible translation is important so that we have an accurate representation of the original languages. I often recommend the ESV, NKJV, and even the NIV. But remember that these are not the words of men, but the words of God. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
1. Pick a plan. Don't wake up and randomly pick something to read. Have a plan for what you'll read. I'm going through a chronological study right now. You can also use YouVersion which has some great theme plans through their website and app.
2. Pick a verse. After you read each day, pick a verse to think on through your day. Maybe even use it to pray. Today I picked a verse from the story of Joseph in the OT that reminds me to be a promise maker and a promise keeper.
3. Pray. Talk to God about what you read and how it should impact you today.
Last thought: If you read the Bible earlier today, and you can't remember what you read, you need to try again. Allow the words of God to influence your entire day!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Dropping Heavenly Calls
"Prayerlessness is a spirit of independence from God." -Adrian Rogers
It's so awkward.
Terry had been listening to me talk for 30 seconds non-stop when I realized, "I'm not that interesting." Sure enough, I pulled the phone from my head to see those disheartening words:
Call Failed.
Lots of people have failed calls when it comes to God. It's not because He switched to Sprint or Boost Mobile. The problem is on your end.
So how can you connect with God through your prayers? Remember first that it's not an equation....
On knees + eyes closed = God's answer
But there are some important scriptures to remember as you attempt to connect with God through prayer.
James 5:16 (NIV)
"...the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
Isaiah 59:2 (NIV)
"But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear."
The point: If you're not close to God, stop blaming Him for the silence.
If I fail to show love to my wife, should I expect quick and favorable responses from her? Probably not. She may still give them because she's just a great person, but there comes a point that she has to get my attention when I'm failing to truly connect with her.
So check yourself before you go blaming God for dropping your heavenly calls. Prayer isn't a puzzle. It's conversation with a God who wants to hear from you. So make the call, and admit to God that the shallow prayers and/or prayerlessness was a problem on your end. God is ready to hear!
It's so awkward.
Terry had been listening to me talk for 30 seconds non-stop when I realized, "I'm not that interesting." Sure enough, I pulled the phone from my head to see those disheartening words:
Call Failed.
Lots of people have failed calls when it comes to God. It's not because He switched to Sprint or Boost Mobile. The problem is on your end.
So how can you connect with God through your prayers? Remember first that it's not an equation....
On knees + eyes closed = God's answer
But there are some important scriptures to remember as you attempt to connect with God through prayer.
James 5:16 (NIV)
"...the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
Isaiah 59:2 (NIV)
"But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear."
The point: If you're not close to God, stop blaming Him for the silence.
If I fail to show love to my wife, should I expect quick and favorable responses from her? Probably not. She may still give them because she's just a great person, but there comes a point that she has to get my attention when I'm failing to truly connect with her.
So check yourself before you go blaming God for dropping your heavenly calls. Prayer isn't a puzzle. It's conversation with a God who wants to hear from you. So make the call, and admit to God that the shallow prayers and/or prayerlessness was a problem on your end. God is ready to hear!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Gone on Mission!
I doubt you're going to die...
But I'm not writing a blog for this week. I've been working on messages for the worship services of our World Changers mission trip to Muncie, IN. Honestly, I didn't have the brain power for anything else after that.
This is the first mission trip for our youth and I'd appreciate your prayers for their effectiveness for the gospel.
Thanks for hanging with me, and I hope to transition everything over to Pastortibbs.com very soon. If you subscribe, nothing will change for you, and I'll ensure that you can still find these articles if you care!
But I'm not writing a blog for this week. I've been working on messages for the worship services of our World Changers mission trip to Muncie, IN. Honestly, I didn't have the brain power for anything else after that.
This is the first mission trip for our youth and I'd appreciate your prayers for their effectiveness for the gospel.
Thanks for hanging with me, and I hope to transition everything over to Pastortibbs.com very soon. If you subscribe, nothing will change for you, and I'll ensure that you can still find these articles if you care!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Exchanging achieve for believe!
I hate learning.
Maybe I should qualify that statement. I really hate learning how little I know.
I have been listening to lots of church leadership podcasts as I go on bike rides or drive, and there are so many issues being brought up before me.
Maybe I should qualify that statement. I really hate learning how little I know.
I have been listening to lots of church leadership podcasts as I go on bike rides or drive, and there are so many issues being brought up before me.
- Does our parking meet the needs of our sanctuary seating?
- Do we have 80% of our worship attendance involved in small group Bible studies?
- And roughly 50 billion other things to remember.
I'm a teacher probably more than I'm a pastor. I love leading people to depth in Jesus, and I hate the logistics of ministry. Where's UPS on that one?
So when I read Genesis 15:6 in my devotional time recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a great comfort.
"Abraham believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness." (Genesis 15:6)
God didn't credit Abraham for working harder, but believing harder! So I'm reminded that what God wants to do in my church is not about my ability to plan. It's not about my ability to achieve.
It's about my ability to believe.
Jesus said to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first. And seeking requires belief in a God who's ready to work if we'll stop trying to do so much of it by ourselves.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Can You Question God?
"Because answers exist only to questions." -Mungara Krishnamurti
Second Sermon is changing. It's been a great opportunity to sharpen my skill and focus on where my writing should go.
My passion is to drive myself and you to a greater devotion to the Bible and to prayer. So my writing will direct that way, and I hope you find it to be a benefit. In fact, this entire site will get a face lift and update very soon. So thanks for your comments and with that....
Is it OK to question God? Reading in Job 38, God begins His response to many of Job's questions and complaints with a pretty strong response:
"Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me." Job 38:3
God's response to Job doesn't mean you should never ask God questions. The test is whether you are asking questions of God, or simply questioning God.
For example, the prophet Habakkuk asked God questions. Job questioned what in the heck God was thinking!
We all go through trials and difficulties as a believer, and when those days come, it's OK to be honest with God and ask Him questions. But be careful that you are seeking answers instead of assigning blame.
Second Sermon is changing. It's been a great opportunity to sharpen my skill and focus on where my writing should go.
My passion is to drive myself and you to a greater devotion to the Bible and to prayer. So my writing will direct that way, and I hope you find it to be a benefit. In fact, this entire site will get a face lift and update very soon. So thanks for your comments and with that....
Is it OK to question God? Reading in Job 38, God begins His response to many of Job's questions and complaints with a pretty strong response:
"Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me." Job 38:3
God's response to Job doesn't mean you should never ask God questions. The test is whether you are asking questions of God, or simply questioning God.
Asking questions of God is prudent, but questioning God is prideful. Be sure you make the distinction. Job 38:2-3
— Heath Tibbetts (@HeathTibbetts) July 6, 2015
For example, the prophet Habakkuk asked God questions. Job questioned what in the heck God was thinking!
We all go through trials and difficulties as a believer, and when those days come, it's OK to be honest with God and ask Him questions. But be careful that you are seeking answers instead of assigning blame.
Monday, June 29, 2015
The One Church American Christians Need to Be Praying for NOW!
You probably don't know their pastor, but he needs your prayers.
You likely don't know the town, but they are unprepared for what's coming.
While the specifics aren't clear, we must begin praying now for the church that will be challenged on same-sex marriage.
While watching an episode of "The West Wing" recently, President Bartlet uses a game of chess to teach staffers a lesson on international politics. While his subordinates continuously focus on the most recent move, the President keeps reminding them to "look at the whole board".
It's time Christians stopped focusing on their next Facebook rant and started looking at the whole board. The obvious next move is to force a church to allow a same-sex ceremony in their building. And the gay community won't be focused on accomplishing this in a church that already approves of such unions.
Same-sex marriage reminds me of Social Security. It's often said that Social Security will never be fixed because the issue is more valuable to politicians than a solution. A solution would remove a major set of talking points that both parties would sorely miss in their campaign platforms. And the same holds true for the gay community who no longer can bang the drum for legalizing same-sex marriage.
They need an issue. And if the board truly sits as I imagine, we shall soon find out how much religious freedom we truly have as followers of Jesus Christ. Will a church that has adequately stated their stance against same-sex marriage, through by-laws and constitution, be legally forced to provide their church to a gay couple if they demand it? This will be the litmus test that proves our ability as people of religious conviction to stand firm when there are other avenues available for someone to exercise a legal right.
I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, and I truly hope that I have evaluated the board incorrectly. But instead of hoping the hour never comes, let us pray that if it does, we as Christians are ready to stand up! Not with a "spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." (1 Timothy 1:7).
Let us take the power, love, and mind of Christ into the next round of this debate. And let our first priority always be to win souls first and arguments second.
You likely don't know the town, but they are unprepared for what's coming.
While the specifics aren't clear, we must begin praying now for the church that will be challenged on same-sex marriage.
While watching an episode of "The West Wing" recently, President Bartlet uses a game of chess to teach staffers a lesson on international politics. While his subordinates continuously focus on the most recent move, the President keeps reminding them to "look at the whole board".
It's time Christians stopped focusing on their next Facebook rant and started looking at the whole board. The obvious next move is to force a church to allow a same-sex ceremony in their building. And the gay community won't be focused on accomplishing this in a church that already approves of such unions.
Same-sex marriage reminds me of Social Security. It's often said that Social Security will never be fixed because the issue is more valuable to politicians than a solution. A solution would remove a major set of talking points that both parties would sorely miss in their campaign platforms. And the same holds true for the gay community who no longer can bang the drum for legalizing same-sex marriage.
They need an issue. And if the board truly sits as I imagine, we shall soon find out how much religious freedom we truly have as followers of Jesus Christ. Will a church that has adequately stated their stance against same-sex marriage, through by-laws and constitution, be legally forced to provide their church to a gay couple if they demand it? This will be the litmus test that proves our ability as people of religious conviction to stand firm when there are other avenues available for someone to exercise a legal right.
I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, and I truly hope that I have evaluated the board incorrectly. But instead of hoping the hour never comes, let us pray that if it does, we as Christians are ready to stand up! Not with a "spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." (1 Timothy 1:7).
Let us take the power, love, and mind of Christ into the next round of this debate. And let our first priority always be to win souls first and arguments second.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Can Pastors Be Restored After a Fall?
"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." -Peter Drucker
This is a bit raw for me still this morning, and I'm trying my best to keep a check on my emotions.
Good luck with that, Heath.
Sunday I preached a sermon on "The God of 2nd Chances" from Acts 15. I demonstrated through the life of John Mark that a past failure doesn't indicate a pointless future.
And then I read Monday morning of Tullian Tchividjian, a mega-church pastor in Ft. Lauderdale who just resigned from his church due to an affair. It was barely a year ago that another mega-church pastor in Ft. Lauderdale had to resign his church for the very same reason.
Ft. Lauderdale just got harder to reach for Jesus.
So what do we do with these pastors and others like them? Don't they deserve a second chance just like the man or woman in their congregation who committed the same sin?
As a person, yes.
As a pastor, no.
John MacArthur recalls the story of a pastor who made national headlines after being caught in an adulterous affair. After a year of counseling and restoration, the church had a recommissioning service to welcome him back to public ministry in their church. They wanted to show the forgiveness of Jesus, but in doing so, they are enabling that man to make the same mistakes as before.
Pastors can be restored, but the idea of restoration needs to be adjusted. They don't need restored to leadership, but to a closeness with Jesus (both of the Ft. Lauderdale churches are doing this openly). They need to be restored to their wives, their children, and their friends.
Leadership is a privilege, not a right, and the man who has chosen sex, money, or power over the righteousness of Christ has lost that privilege. Once restored, he can be useful to the kingdom in a number of ways, but public pastoral ministry shouldn't be one of them.
So whether a pastor or church member, pray for and encourage the pastors you know as they face temptations around every corner.
This is a bit raw for me still this morning, and I'm trying my best to keep a check on my emotions.
Good luck with that, Heath.
Sunday I preached a sermon on "The God of 2nd Chances" from Acts 15. I demonstrated through the life of John Mark that a past failure doesn't indicate a pointless future.
And then I read Monday morning of Tullian Tchividjian, a mega-church pastor in Ft. Lauderdale who just resigned from his church due to an affair. It was barely a year ago that another mega-church pastor in Ft. Lauderdale had to resign his church for the very same reason.
Ft. Lauderdale just got harder to reach for Jesus.
So what do we do with these pastors and others like them? Don't they deserve a second chance just like the man or woman in their congregation who committed the same sin?
As a person, yes.
As a pastor, no.
John MacArthur recalls the story of a pastor who made national headlines after being caught in an adulterous affair. After a year of counseling and restoration, the church had a recommissioning service to welcome him back to public ministry in their church. They wanted to show the forgiveness of Jesus, but in doing so, they are enabling that man to make the same mistakes as before.
Pastors can be restored, but the idea of restoration needs to be adjusted. They don't need restored to leadership, but to a closeness with Jesus (both of the Ft. Lauderdale churches are doing this openly). They need to be restored to their wives, their children, and their friends.
Leadership is a privilege, not a right, and the man who has chosen sex, money, or power over the righteousness of Christ has lost that privilege. Once restored, he can be useful to the kingdom in a number of ways, but public pastoral ministry shouldn't be one of them.
So whether a pastor or church member, pray for and encourage the pastors you know as they face temptations around every corner.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Why Christians are losing the marriage fight.
Do you know what I hated about being a Southern Baptist as a teenager? I was always against something. Much like the Pharisees, we were always saying don't, but hardly ever saying do.
Christians are becoming more known for what they're against, than what they're for. As a Bible-believing follower of Jesus, I hold to the view of scripture when it comes to marriage. But for me, this isn't just about whether men marry men. It's concerns a more fundamental breakdown of marriage.
When polled, the U.S. population in general estimates the homosexual community to comprise 25% of the U.S. population. The real number is just under 3%. So even if homosexual marriage becomes the norm across the country, an opportunity taken by a fraction of 3% won't be the death blow for marriage.
Marriage is dying because we are raving against homosexual marriage, but not advocating for heterosexual marriage. People across this country are bailing on promises to the "love of their life" and setting a precedent that affects children's views of marriage for the rest of their lives. Of course Millennials aren't getting concerned with marriage commitments. It didn't mean much for their moms and dads.
So as Christians, let's take a stand for marriage! Encourage hurting families in your church. Talk to that friend that you can see is teetering on an affair. Unless once again the vows of marriage truly mean something, our nation as a whole will never care who makes them.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Why Your Diet Didn't Work (And Probably Never Will)

Dewey: "Because I like to eat! Is that such a crime!"
-"School of Rock"
Due to the overwhelming response to my article in the Illinois Baptist last week on Physical Health Being a Spiritual Issue, I thought I would post a quick follow-up on some practical ways I accomplished my goals.
So here are 5 tips to help you in your journey. I'm not a health expert. Just a guy that finally got over the hurdle of food in my life.
1. Pray.
This isn't just something I'm throwing in. Ask God to change your attitude towards food and to strengthen your efforts to be more active. Prayer was a missing component in my efforts for years.
2. It's a lifestyle, not a number.
A recent University of Pennsylvania study found that 65% of dieters return to their pre-dieting weight within three years. This is because they tried to hit a number, lost the weight rapidly, but never changed their attitude towards food or physical activity. If food takes up a lot of your thoughts during the day, that must change before the number on the scale ever can.
It's OK to set a goal for your weight, but don't hold yourself to a time goal as long as you're moving in the right direction. It took me 2 years to lose my goal of 50 lbs. But it's stayed off.
3. Do Fun Exercise!
P-90X may shape your body quickly, but are you having fun doing it? I tried exercise videos that certainly worked, but I didn't enjoy them. So I started running while listening to my favorite podcasts and always looked forward to it. Now that I'm trying to save wear and tear on my knees, I ride my bike several times a week while listening instead. Try several different options until you find what's right for you. Even walking can make a difference!
4. Eat smart, not sprouts.
Eating smart doesn't mean you can't have pizza. It means you can't have the whole pizza. I look forward to my weekend pizza and soda, but I drink water until it's pizza time and save myself about 400 empty calories during a normal Saturday.
5. Remember that food is fuel.
Do you overflow you car's gas tank? Of course not, because it wastes gas and money. It's the same with food, except that instead of spilling on the ground, your body packs that fuel away. Listen to your body, eat slowly, and "eat to live, don't live to eat."
This isn't an exhaustive list, but these helped me create a lifestyle and not just a lower number on the scale. If I can offer any other tips or answer questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Monday, May 25, 2015
So how appropriate that I read Genesis 2:2 today
"And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done."
And speaking of rest, I'm going on vacation! It's been 5 years since we went on a family vacation that wasn't for the expressed purpose of visiting family living far away. I'm going to eat junk, see some Americana, and recharge with the family.
So nothing deep from me this week and nothing at all next week! Thanks for reading and I look forward to writing again soon.
"And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done."
And speaking of rest, I'm going on vacation! It's been 5 years since we went on a family vacation that wasn't for the expressed purpose of visiting family living far away. I'm going to eat junk, see some Americana, and recharge with the family.
So nothing deep from me this week and nothing at all next week! Thanks for reading and I look forward to writing again soon.
Monday, May 18, 2015
God Doesn't Need Spiritual Sprinters
"The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder." -Alfred Hitchcock
In a nation where we often root for the underdog (see NCAA tournament), horse racing is an exception. Year after year many tune in to watch the next potential Triple Crown winner. And for the last few decades, we've seen several horses win both the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes.
It's not much longer than the Derby, adding just a quarter mile to the Derby's total distance. But that final quarter mile has killed many a dream. So how did we see 3 Triple Crown winners in the 70's and none since?
Like Mr. Hitchcock says, it's all about endurance.
Horses in the 70's were built for stamina. They were built not just to get to the finish line, but to run through it. But as horse racing continued, more shorter races were instituted and stamina was sacrificed for speed.
Too many Christians today are built for "speed". They read 1-minute devotionals instead of the Bible and get antsy when Sunday's service begins to extend beyond an hour. Jesus didn't ask for fragments of your life, but the whole thing. God has a race for you to win, but it's a marathon, not a sprint. It requires us running through the finish and not just to it.
Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Paul's not encouraging speed, but endurance. God promises straight paths when we pursue Him, but He doesn't promise quick paths. God has plans for you, but you must walk in them. Ask God to give you the spiritual stamina to pursue His plans, at His pace, for His glory.
In a nation where we often root for the underdog (see NCAA tournament), horse racing is an exception. Year after year many tune in to watch the next potential Triple Crown winner. And for the last few decades, we've seen several horses win both the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes.
It's not much longer than the Derby, adding just a quarter mile to the Derby's total distance. But that final quarter mile has killed many a dream. So how did we see 3 Triple Crown winners in the 70's and none since?
Like Mr. Hitchcock says, it's all about endurance.
Horses in the 70's were built for stamina. They were built not just to get to the finish line, but to run through it. But as horse racing continued, more shorter races were instituted and stamina was sacrificed for speed.

Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Paul's not encouraging speed, but endurance. God promises straight paths when we pursue Him, but He doesn't promise quick paths. God has plans for you, but you must walk in them. Ask God to give you the spiritual stamina to pursue His plans, at His pace, for His glory.
Monday, May 11, 2015
The Real Reason You Fail
"I'm not superstitious...but I am a little stitious." -Michael Scott
More recently, NBA great Lebron James has been making headlines with a headband. He stopped wearing it a few weeks ago to look more like his teammates. But after a tough playoff loss, the headband came back as if it were the reason he had been winning all along.
So what is the real reason you fail? While we may blame a number of factors, the truth is it always comes back to what's rattling around in our own hearts and minds.
"...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator." Colossians 3:10
It's not time to put on the right shoes, or the right headgear, but instead the right self. Don't fall back to the old self, the self that:
- blames others
- looks at the outward
- thinks you're alone
Instead put on the new self! Remember that you have been created in Christ Jesus for good works. So stop blaming outside factors for inside failures. You don't need different shoes. You need to look inward, pray for renewal, and put on the new self Jesus saved you to be.
Monday, May 4, 2015
The Best Way To Respond to Criticism
"If my critics saw me walking over the Thames they would say it was because I couldn't swim." -Margaret Thatcher
I couldn't believe my ears! My wife and I were talking in the parsonage of my first pastorate out of seminary. And out of the clear blue sky, she drops this bomb on me. I was fuming! I stormed down the stairs to the basement of our house. After shutting myself into a room I said, "God, do I have a pride issue?"
Wife 1
Husband 0
This lesson has stuck with me ever since. I realized quickly that the best way to respond to criticism is to evaluate it. We are so quick to:
"You've got a pride issue."
Wife 1
Husband 0
This lesson has stuck with me ever since. I realized quickly that the best way to respond to criticism is to evaluate it. We are so quick to:
- Deny the claim
- Disregard the person
- Drag up the critic's issues
But what if we really stopped to look at ourselves? Maybe the criticism was a bit sharper than it needed to be, but does it have merit? If after prayer and pondering you determine that it doesn't, then throw it away. But if you determine it does, you must be willing to change.
Just last week, a member of my church came with a stinging criticism of an area of my ministry. As I listened, I realized that while the criticism was harsh, I hadn't done everything that I could in that area. The next day I wrote this church member a note expressing my thanks for all their previous encouragement, my assurances that I would work on the areas that had been brought up, and asking forgiveness for my role in the situation.
And yesterday, that church member was waiting for me. They quickly and sincerely apologized for the manner in which they had spoken and asked my forgiveness. Not only have we repaired the relationship, but some good came out of this person's criticism, sharp as it was.
So don't disregard criticism...evaluate it. Sometimes it will be offered as constructive criticism, and sometimes as destructive criticism. Be sure in every instance that you pray and ponder whether there is truth in it, regardless of the way in which it is given.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Eternal Security or Eternal Deception?
Can I be frank...
No, not Sinatra...well actually...
I struggle with the idea of salvation at times. My struggle comes in talking with people who have portrayed salvation in Jesus Christ as one of a few possibilities...
- You walked an aisle
- You prayed a prayer
- You were baptized
But can that truly be it? How many parents have assured me of the salvation of children who have rarely shown even the slightest hint of spiritual sensitivity? More than I can count, and each time my heart breaks for them.
As a Baptist the idea of eternal security is not only an important doctrine, but a biblical doctrine (John 10:28):
"I give them eternal life and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." -Jesus
I guess the question becomes: How do we know someone has placed their lives in the hand of Jesus? Well, we can't really KNOW, because only God has access to a person's heart. However, the Bible says an unchanged life is an unsaved life. Not because we have to work hard to be saved, but we should WANT to work hard because we've been saved.
1 John 3:7-8 says there are two things we can practice: righteousness or sin. It does not say that performing one, on occasion, defines us. Instead we are told that our practices and repetitive habits indicate whether we have truly repented of the old life and entered in a new life through Jesus.
Monday, April 20, 2015
One Simple Way A Pastor Can Encourage Children
"It's not enough to love the children, it is necessary that they are aware they are loved." John Bosco
Adrian Rogers was a 3-time president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the pastor of a 29,000 member church, and one of my preaching heroes. But my favorite story about the man comes from my Greek professor in seminary. I'll re-tell the story in his words to the best of my ability:
"As I was walking the hallways of Bellevue Baptist Church just prior to a worship service, I noticed a man, down on one knee, talking face to face with a young child. As I got closer, I realized it was Dr. Rogers who was listening intently to this little boy. While I'm sure Adrian had several things on his mind, such as the order of the forthcoming service or his own sermon, he took the time to listen and speak with that little boy and to be his pastor. Of all the wonderful sermons and actions that Dr. Rogers took in the time I knew him, this act stuck with me more than any other."
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14 NIV)
That story was meaningful to me as a young minister and now as a lead pastor. Yes, I've got places to go and people to see, especially on a Sunday morning. But aren't children people? If Jesus took special time away from talking to adults to let the little children come to Him, how much more so should I as a pastor? I remain mindful that I need to be quick to stop and stoop in order to be the pastor even to the youngest child.
We lament the exodus of young people from our churches. We love them and we want to see God's work in their lives, but have we told them that? Have we stopped to take a knee and look them in the eye and listen to them?
I encourage pastors, ministers, volunteers, and parents to stop and stoop from time to time. Do not tower over, but get face to face with a child and let them know you care. And perhaps such simple efforts will help these kids see a genuine Christianity that continues to register with them into adulthood.
Adrian Rogers was a 3-time president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the pastor of a 29,000 member church, and one of my preaching heroes. But my favorite story about the man comes from my Greek professor in seminary. I'll re-tell the story in his words to the best of my ability:
"As I was walking the hallways of Bellevue Baptist Church just prior to a worship service, I noticed a man, down on one knee, talking face to face with a young child. As I got closer, I realized it was Dr. Rogers who was listening intently to this little boy. While I'm sure Adrian had several things on his mind, such as the order of the forthcoming service or his own sermon, he took the time to listen and speak with that little boy and to be his pastor. Of all the wonderful sermons and actions that Dr. Rogers took in the time I knew him, this act stuck with me more than any other."
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14 NIV)
That story was meaningful to me as a young minister and now as a lead pastor. Yes, I've got places to go and people to see, especially on a Sunday morning. But aren't children people? If Jesus took special time away from talking to adults to let the little children come to Him, how much more so should I as a pastor? I remain mindful that I need to be quick to stop and stoop in order to be the pastor even to the youngest child.
We lament the exodus of young people from our churches. We love them and we want to see God's work in their lives, but have we told them that? Have we stopped to take a knee and look them in the eye and listen to them?
I encourage pastors, ministers, volunteers, and parents to stop and stoop from time to time. Do not tower over, but get face to face with a child and let them know you care. And perhaps such simple efforts will help these kids see a genuine Christianity that continues to register with them into adulthood.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
5 Confessions of a Former Youth Minister
I am NOT an expert on teenagers or youth ministry. And these 5 confessions are simply some lessons I learned from a decade of youth ministry. It's not exhaustive, but may be helpful to some parents or youth ministers out there.
1. Be real, not cool.
My first opportunity as a youth minister came at the age of 22. I wasn't much older than the kids I was teaching, so of course I thought I could be the "cool" youth minister. I didn't grow a soul-patch or start saying "dude", but I certainly failed at just being myself. Over the course of that 4-year ministry stop, my relationships with the kids grew when I stopped pretending to be a teenager.
2. Work with Parents, not for them.
Youth ministers feel an incredible burden to "fix" the kids in their youth groups. We see the answers they give in Bible study and compare them to the choices they make the rest of the time. It crushes us. But I had to realize that I was only able to invest a few hours in these kids lives each week. I'm not an employee of the parents, but my work was to support the spiritual authority of parents with their teens. Make parents a part of your efforts.
3. Sheltered kids are safe kids
My children's friends have been surprised at times when my kids didn't know who Justin Bieber or Rihanna were (just doing my part America). And over my years of youth ministry I've heard kids be teased for not seeing certain movies or listening to certain music. While many call these kids sheltered, I call them safe. In my decade of experience, those kids who lived in homes where their parents attempted to shelter them from temptation have generally lived out a more vocal faith into their adult lives. This isn't true in every single case, but more often than not.
4. Be a friend and an authority
Randy was my youth pastor growing up, and he really mentored me without either of us ever knowing it. Randy had this amazing ability to be a fun friend to us, but then flip a switch and instantly become our authority when needed. If you are responsible for teenagers, act like it. Yes, some of them won't like being told "no" and they may leave. You need to decide what's most important to you: group size or group health.
5. Teach the Bible...they can handle it.
This kind of goes with the idea of what's most important to you. I've always emphasized personal reading of the Bible to teens, but then I'd interact with other youth ministers who told me what they were doing. Suddenly I was being encouraged to do this VHS series (Be kind, rewind), or teach that book. They were always fun studies, but they weren't always biblically solid or impactful. Teach your kids that the Bible is enough. Other resources are helpful, but the Bible must always be the foundation for what you're doing.
Have other thoughts in your top 5? I'd love to hear them in the comments.
1. Be real, not cool.
My first opportunity as a youth minister came at the age of 22. I wasn't much older than the kids I was teaching, so of course I thought I could be the "cool" youth minister. I didn't grow a soul-patch or start saying "dude", but I certainly failed at just being myself. Over the course of that 4-year ministry stop, my relationships with the kids grew when I stopped pretending to be a teenager.
2. Work with Parents, not for them.
Youth ministers feel an incredible burden to "fix" the kids in their youth groups. We see the answers they give in Bible study and compare them to the choices they make the rest of the time. It crushes us. But I had to realize that I was only able to invest a few hours in these kids lives each week. I'm not an employee of the parents, but my work was to support the spiritual authority of parents with their teens. Make parents a part of your efforts.

My children's friends have been surprised at times when my kids didn't know who Justin Bieber or Rihanna were (just doing my part America). And over my years of youth ministry I've heard kids be teased for not seeing certain movies or listening to certain music. While many call these kids sheltered, I call them safe. In my decade of experience, those kids who lived in homes where their parents attempted to shelter them from temptation have generally lived out a more vocal faith into their adult lives. This isn't true in every single case, but more often than not.
4. Be a friend and an authority
Randy was my youth pastor growing up, and he really mentored me without either of us ever knowing it. Randy had this amazing ability to be a fun friend to us, but then flip a switch and instantly become our authority when needed. If you are responsible for teenagers, act like it. Yes, some of them won't like being told "no" and they may leave. You need to decide what's most important to you: group size or group health.
5. Teach the Bible...they can handle it.
This kind of goes with the idea of what's most important to you. I've always emphasized personal reading of the Bible to teens, but then I'd interact with other youth ministers who told me what they were doing. Suddenly I was being encouraged to do this VHS series (Be kind, rewind), or teach that book. They were always fun studies, but they weren't always biblically solid or impactful. Teach your kids that the Bible is enough. Other resources are helpful, but the Bible must always be the foundation for what you're doing.
Have other thoughts in your top 5? I'd love to hear them in the comments.
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