For years I've challenged people to have a quiet time. This isn't a moment to grab a carpet square and your favorite Berenstain Bears book. It's a regular time you spend connecting with God.
So why have I been calling it a quiet time?
The intent was that we would "quiet" our minds to read scripture and pray. But have you ever found your mind doesn't quiet down so well?
What if instead we emphasized a connection time? Certainly there is a place for quiet, but let's not allow our preconceived notions to prevent us from a meaningful, daily time with God.
Here are some suggestions to move from quiet to connection.
- Prayerwalk: One of my personal favs. Walk through your neighborhood and take time to pray for the families, businesses, and schools that are around you. But be sure to pray with your eyes open...
- Try a Reading Plan: Instead of just reading straight through a book, try reading scriptures on a particular subject or attribute of God. Youversion has some great options for this.
- Add Music: Pray as you listen to music and allow the lyrics to become your prayers. Praise God for His "Amazing Love" or for reminders that you are "no longer a slave to fear."
- New Bible: Try a different Bible translation. I've made the switch over the years from NIV, NKJV, NASB, and now the ESV. A slight change of phrase leads me to take a fresh look at familiar passages.
- Involve others: Contact those you pray for. Text with friends or family and commit to share lessons God is teaching you. Find ways to expand your world beyond you.
"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth." John 4:24
Just as you work to keep your personal relationships fresh through conversation and experience, I challenge you to do the same with God. Allow the truth of Scripture to remain a key part of your connection to God, but allow room for the Holy Spirit to lead you in new ways of connecting with an infinite God.
Have you got other ideas? I'd love to hear them in the comments below.
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