Tuesday, June 5, 2018

#MeToo Hits the SBC

To our First Family:

We are Southern Baptist. I recognize that for many of you, that doesn't really register. You love our church, agree with our statements of faith, and have probably even given to the Christmas and Easter mission offerings. Beyond that, the Southern Baptist Convention doesn't mean much to you.

I'll be heading next week to our annual convention in Dallas, June 12-13. As the largest non-Catholic denomination in the country, our meetings tend to make the news. Usually that news is for our stand on biblical truth, but unfortunately there is a bigger story I'd like to make you aware of.

Our #MeToo Moment
Dr. Paige Patterson has been a hero of our denomination as part of a movement in the 70's to steer the SBC to a place of firm commitment to the authority of scripture. However, it has been revealed that while President of two of our seminaries, Dr. Patterson used his authority to silence women who had been raped on those campuses. In addition, indefensible statements during sermons from Dr. Patterson have come to light regarding domestic violence and describing a teenage girl's appearance.

Dr. Patterson has been removed as President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, but is still in line to preach the sermon at the end of this year's annual meeting. Being voted into that position last year, before any of these details were known, he can only be removed if he resigns (unlikely at this point) or if messengers like myself vote to have him removed. I anticipate the later solution to be the first motion from the floor and to pass overwhelmingly.

You may still hear scattered voices in support of Dr Patterson because of his past service, but no level of service can discount the abuses of authority Dr. Patterson is guilty of. Please know the overwhelming voices in our denominational leadership and mainstream have firmly denounced Dr. Patterson in the strongest of terms. As a husband, father, brother, and son to some incredible women in my own life, I am heartbroken for this situation in our denomination. Men must NEVER be permitted to use spiritual authority for spiritually bullying.

The Good News
I've been part of Southern Baptist Churches for over 20 years. I don't believe we're infallible as a denomination, but in regards to mission and message, I believe the SBC is a great place of partnership for our church. 

The positive impact of the SBC is on the rise! In a time where denominations are dying, we gained 272 churches last year and saw worship attendance grow by an extra 100,000 each Sunday! 

Our own church has seen growth through a second worship service and leadership transitions to build upon and strengthen our worship and discipleship ministries. People are responding to our efforts of biblical worship and discipleship.

As a member of FBC you are a Southern Baptist. That doesn't make you responsible for every difficult moment we experience as a denomination. But as a part of this faith family, let us pray together and use these moments to own our imperfections for the declaration of the Gospel. Let's tell them about our Jesus!


  1. Thank you for the information and your stance on this subject. When I made the transition from Lutheran to Southern Baptist I finally felt like I was home. You do a great job of sharing the word of God with us. Thank you

  2. I appreciate the feedback. Not easy to write on, but I think transparency is a critical component in any healthy church. We celebrate the good and we respond and learn from the bad.
