Monday, June 29, 2015

The One Church American Christians Need to Be Praying for NOW!

You probably don't know their pastor, but he needs your prayers.

You likely don't know the town, but they are unprepared for what's coming.

While the specifics aren't clear, we must begin praying now for the church that will be challenged on same-sex marriage.

While watching an episode of "The West Wing" recently, President Bartlet uses a game of chess to teach staffers a lesson on international politics. While his subordinates continuously focus on the most recent move, the President keeps reminding them to "look at the whole board".

It's time Christians stopped focusing on their next Facebook rant and started looking at the whole board. The obvious next move is to force a church to allow a same-sex ceremony in their building. And the gay community won't be focused on accomplishing this in a church that already approves of such unions.

Same-sex marriage reminds me of Social Security. It's often said that Social Security will never be fixed because the issue is more valuable to politicians than a solution. A solution would remove a major set of talking points that both parties would sorely miss in their campaign platforms. And the same holds true for the gay community who no longer can bang the drum for legalizing same-sex marriage.

They need an issue. And if the board truly sits as I imagine, we shall soon find out how much religious freedom we truly have as followers of Jesus Christ. Will a church that has adequately stated their stance against same-sex marriage, through by-laws and constitution, be legally forced to provide their church to a gay couple if they demand it? This will be the litmus test that proves our ability as people of religious conviction to stand firm when there are other avenues available for someone to exercise a legal right.

I am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, and I truly hope that I have evaluated the board incorrectly. But instead of hoping the hour never comes, let us pray that if it does, we as Christians are ready to stand up! Not with a "spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." (1 Timothy 1:7). 

Let us take the power, love, and mind of Christ into the next round of this debate. And let our first priority always be to win souls first and arguments second. 

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