- Fear of snakes is completely healthy.
- Nazi's were a real superstitious bunch.
- Always stop after the third movie. (Still can't believe I paid real money to see Crystal Skull)
The draw of Indiana Jones was the idea of uncovering something that had been buried far too long and was simply waiting for discovery. Christians must also be willing to take on the same work.
God called the prophet Ezekiel to a dig of discovery, but it wasn't an exciting find. God reveals a small hole in the temple wall and commands the prophet to dig it open and climb through. He enters to find the elders of Israel worshipping idols and false gods within the walls of God's house.
Then God said to Ezekiel, "You have seen what the (70) elders of the house of Israel are doing in the dark, each in his room of pictures? For they say, 'The Lord does not see us.'" Ezekiel 8:12
Here are some quick takeaways:
We need to dig. When we see a hole in our spiritual house, we need to be willing to admit the damage and work with God on the restoration.
We need to be honest. God sees everything. When we find the damage, we must admit to God both the sin and the cause.
We need to be swift! Israel had failed to respond to God and their idolatry grew out of secret places into the open where many were deceived. Failing to repent immediately can only lead to further sin.
Dig in prayer. Be honest about what you find. Respond swiftly to God's conviction. He doesn't expose our sin to destroy us, but to redirect us!
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