This is the kind of week that makes me think about my life.
After completing a couple's pre-marital counseling, I finalized plans for their big day. It makes me think back to my own special day almost 18 years ago.
Then I dealt with a long-time church member who suffered a stroke. While conscious and seemingly aware of her surroundings, she was unable to communicate in any meaningful way.
And to wrap up the week, another long-time member passed away who had been unable to attend church for years. Her story on this earth is now over, and I wonder if she felt important things were left undone?
These weeks can be pretty emotionally daunting for me. Not just as a pastor, but as a person. And when I think about these situations, I'm reminded of the words of the great Garth Algar:
Do you wish your marriage had the same bliss as those honeymoon days? Stop lamenting how it used to be, and make it better today! Listen more! Love expressively! Stop waiting for him/her to make the first move!
Do you fear a medical condition that could rob you of opportunities with your family? Then treat each moment as a gift, ensuring that if your voice were suddenly gone, your family and friends would have no doubt in regards to your love and thoughts towards them.
Do you worry that death will come with things left undone? Then stop waiting! What keeps getting put off until tomorrow? In the words of that "other Garth", what if tomorrow never comes? Confess your dreams to God, seeking His approval and enabling to accomplish them!
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 (And sort of the Beatles...)
Life is full of seasons. Don't long so much for a summer that may never come, that you fail to enjoy the beauty of winter. Everyday you have a pulse, you have a purpose. So live it now while you can!
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