Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Who Speaks for God?

"The church will continue to be irrelevant when it quotes letters from 2,000 years ago as their best defense"
-Rob Bell, former pastor, current heretic

"(Idolatry of the Bible) is when people say the Bible is synonymous with God and the truth. We cannot be guided and dictated by a first-century worldview."
-Forrest Harris, President of American Baptist College, unwitting recruiter for every other Christian college

These statements aren't uncommon for 2015, but they are problematic. Mr. Bell and Mr. Harris are both claiming to speak for God, instead of acknowledging that God has spoken for Himself. To dismiss the Bible is not to dismiss those who hold to its teachings, but to dismiss the very God who made the statements contained therein.

Dear Mr. Bell,
If the church ceases to use letters that have stood up to 2000 years of persecution and flame, what shall we use instead? (Not to mention those letters in the Old Testament that are even older!) Once we eliminate the Word of God we are simply left with the opinions of society which have proven to be as stable as peace in the Middle East. When the church of God fails to declare the Word of God, that is when true irrelevancy will occur.

Dear. Mr. Harris,
The Bible is not a first-century worldview, but an eternal one. Its pages are filled with the love and character of God. I presume your solution is to work from a 21st century worldview. That will certainly appear very backwards by the 23rd century. You propose an opinion that is ever-changing. Scripture propose a truth that is life-changing.

Believing in the truth of the Bible is a fundamental part of being a Christian. 2 Timothy 3:16 says the Bible is "God-breathed". And just as the breath of God gave life to our bodies, the Word of God gives life to our souls by the declaration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am not claiming to be the one who truly speaks for God. He has spoken for Himself.

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