Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Satan's Buffet

     "How do I know that Christianity is right, and everyone else got it wrong?" I'd imagine that every Christian has wondered this at some point in their lives, but for me it happened in seminary! In spite of all I was learning, and all that God was doing, this annoying question was rattling around in my brain during my daily 90 minute drive home from class.

     It was around Tunica, Mississippi that I finally asked God to field my question. Tunica has two parts: real Tunica (where the people live) and fake Tunica (where the casinos live). And as I passed through fake Tunica, God responded to me,

"Did you ever think that there aren't actually thousands of religions, but just two?"
(I've always imagined that God speaks in Bold Helvetica)

     Now math isn't my strong point, but I could think of at least three "isms" off the top of my head that seemed to contradict that answer (Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism). But the Holy Spirit elaborated on the response. He reminded me of John 8:44 that gives us a clear picture of the character of Satan:

                  "he is a liar and the father of lies."

     So what are the two choices when it comes to "religion"? Quite simply, it's either God or not God. But Satan is way too cunning to provide us with only one alternative. Instead he dishes out a religious buffet, consisting of thousands of choices. Suddenly Christianity just becomes another dish under the heat lamps. It's notable that God made this point to me on a stretch of highway filled with billboards for casino buffets.

     As I continued to drive that stretch of Hwy 61, God confirmed both my faith in Christ and my call as a minister. So today I encourage you to remember there are only two choices: God or not God. Not God is easy. Just keep living as if thousands of contradictory faiths can somehow all be true and equal.

     The choice for God is easy as well. It simply requires you to admit what is already evident:

  • there is a God
  • you are a sinner
  • you don't deserve Heaven. 
     Confessing these things and accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life will give you an eternity worth waiting for and a life worth living. If you have any questions about God, faith, or placing your trust in Jesus Christ, email me from my profile and I would consider it an honor to discuss these questions with you.


  1. Wow! Plainly stated. So simple anyone and everyone should understand.
