Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I'm Definitely Going to Maybe Do That!

     In January of 2011 I took on the New Years Resolution of losing weight. The scale was scaring me, as was a future of declining health. But my resolutions had never made a difference before. So I began exercising regularly and eating less, and I eventually dropped 50lbs that have been gone for a couple years now.    

    Americans commonly place losing weight and getting healthier among their New Years goals, leading fitness centers and gyms to prepare for a flood of new members.

     However, the numbers show that half of those new memberships will fall below "core" criteria of going at least twice a week. And 2/3 of all memberships in the U.S. will go completely untouched. As a result, the U.S. wastes $12 BILLION a year to unfulfilled gym time. Maybe you should read that last line again...

    So why are resolutions so hard to keep? Because they're just words and have no teeth. It reminds me of my Granny AND James 2:14,

"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save Him?"

     Claiming a faith in Christ with no actions is meaningless. We do not work in order to gain Heaven, but because we've been given Heaven through Jesus. True faith isn't a resolution, but a REVOLUTION moving us from words to actions!

     So let me challenge you this year to skip the resolutions and move onto Revolutions! Revolutions are marked by actions and bring results, while resolutions waste paper and sticky notes, and are quickly forgotten. This year accept Revolution in your life...

  • Like studying the Bible daily (it's on your doggone phone people!). 
  • Skip some Facebook time to pray to your Heavenly Father! 
  • And if it's weight you want to lose, stop eating ice cream while sitting on the couch watching "The Biggest Loser" and get active!

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