This isn't sour grapes because my favorite candidate didn't make the cut. It comes down to the simple notion that I'm tired of voting against somebody.
I want to vote FOR somebody. But President Thomas J. Whitmore simply isn't available
(Best. Speech. Ever.)
I'm convinced that voting for a bad Presidential candidate is voting twice:
1. For a candidate I don't believe.
2. To validate a broken two-party system.
The Republican and Democratic parties are attempting to convince people that failing to vote for their candidate is a vote for the other. I refuse to throw my vote away by pulling the level for someone I don't believe in.
I'm not a registered anything, but instead I vote my principles of faith, life, and liberty. When we vote to deny someone the Oval Office, we perpetuate the lie that this two-party system is as good as it gets. Even the term "third-party" indicates that someone is gaining a voice that doesn't belong.
Don't forget there are IMPORTANT OFFICES, both locally and nationally, that must be filled. Educate yourself and find out who the candidates are in your area. Learn more about your potential Senators and Representatives, and vote your principles for these candidates. Just ask Bill Clinton in 1994 if congressional races matter.
I'm not sure what I'll do on the Presidential slate. At most, I'll vote for a "third-party" candidate with no chance, or potentially write in my vote. Don't think for a moment that party analysts won't be tracking how many votes went to neither of the main candidates. I'm not asking for a perfect candidate...just a principled one.
Don't forget there are IMPORTANT OFFICES, both locally and nationally, that must be filled. Educate yourself and find out who the candidates are in your area. Learn more about your potential Senators and Representatives, and vote your principles for these candidates. Just ask Bill Clinton in 1994 if congressional races matter.
I'm not sure what I'll do on the Presidential slate. At most, I'll vote for a "third-party" candidate with no chance, or potentially write in my vote. Don't think for a moment that party analysts won't be tracking how many votes went to neither of the main candidates. I'm not asking for a perfect candidate...just a principled one.